Hiking in Scotland

Last year was a good one for travel. A friend and I joined a hiking tour of Scotland. Our group was small, the guide was excellent. The hikes were challenging and fantastic with wonderful trails in some stunning landscapes. There were some pretty darn good meals as well!

The group gathered in Inverness and did our hikes around Ullapool, Gairloch and Isle of Skye. We hiked up Bruach na Frithe and had a pint at Seumas’ Bar at the Sligachan Hotel. Yes, we saw Eilean Donan Castle, but not for very long. I guess that’s a good enough reason to go back to Scotland!

The weather was on our side for the most part. Most of us were prepared for rain–and rain it did. If it was perfectly sunny the entire time, it would not have seemed very ‘Scotland’. I believe that rain and fog make colors deeper and images a little more mysterious.

One reply to “Hiking in Scotland

  1. Great photos! I was wet and cold just looking at them.
    Capturing the mist and beauty of the moors was difficult and you nailed it! You’re easily my favorite photographer!

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